Nourishing the Mind for Comfort

In one word, How are you feeling right now?

That one word you just chose was dictated by your mind and on how your brain is functioning based on the emotions you feel which was created by your mind. How our brain functions and is able to interpret your experience that you are currently going through is extremely important in your health and well-being.

The brain is governed by majja dhatu. In Ayurveda that means (nervous tissue) and is fundamental to the central nervous system. When you are under stress in any form it is directly related to many systems in the body, but the brain is the control tower to all of it.

So how do you nourish the mind and improve brain function during tough times? I have compiled a simple and direct list of my top 5 recommendations.

  1. Meditation ~ Now I know the word itself sends people to rolling eyes and right away thinking that it is too hard or not for them. But, I ask… Have you tried it, what type of meditation, for how long did you actually give it a go and what else were you doing in conjunction with it?

  2. Good Sleep! ~ Notice I said “good” sleep. The number of hours is important, however more importantly is the quality of sleep. Do you dream? Do you have nightmares? Do you wake up at all during the night and if so from what? What is your bedtime routine?

  3. Exercise ~ This does not mean you have to go do something you don’t like to do just because you are told to or you know its good for you. Finding movement in your day every day is a necessity for your mind and body to function properly altogether. The flow of oxygen, how digestion is regulated, blood flow to the tissues, bone strength, and most importantly, brain stimulation and helping with a calm and clear mind. What are a few things you love to do to move your body?

  4. Nutrition ~ What is your diet like? Do you keep a food journal? How do you feel after you eat your meals? Tired, energized, bloated, heavy, light? Eating foods rich in beta carotene - carrots, dark green vegetables, and certain fruits are abundant in beta carotene. Walnuts, almonds, and cashews are great sources of the “good” fats and protein for improving brain function.

  5. Herbal helpers and aromatherapy ~ You can stimulate or calm the mind with these two methods of medicinal therapy. A couple of my suggestions are Bacopa, or Brahmi used for memory, anxiety, headaches, depression, stress-related insomnia as well as many other benefits. Gotu Kola, a brain tonic that supports memory, reduces stress, fights depression, and enhances academic performance. For aromatics, I like rosemary for enhancing brain function and chamomile and lemon balm or florals for calming anxiety and relieving stress and depression.

    For more information, tips, and tools or to schedule a consultation I invite you to connect.


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