Five Easy Steps to Start a Meditation Practice
Are you one of those people that take an eye roll when you hear that you should meditate?
You are not the only one… Many people have this same response! Maybe you have tried it and you felt it did not work for you. It might have been uncomfortable physically, emotionally, or just hard to get your thoughts to settle down enough to even feel a moment of peace. Does this sound about right? And if you say that you just don’t have enough time, that is just an excuse to not try because all you need is a few minutes; the amount of time it would take to make a cup of coffee, or scan your phone for messages or puruse facebook for the tenth time that day. And what you receive back from your meditation is so much more of a benefit for your life.
There is a saying that when you pray you talk to God. But when you meditate God talks to you. This was a profound message for me and has stuck to this day. Not getting into any particular religion because that is not what meditation is. You are just connecting with You! Being in the divine presents of light and love. The ego steps aside and that soft inner voice of peace and enlightenment is what you hear. And all those thoughts trying to interact with you, are your way of releasing what your mind has conjured up over and over again. The experiences, the stories, and the emotional attachments. That is a lot to hang onto on a regular basis. How we react to them and show up in our life is based on those thoughts. Mediation is just to be with a deeper part of you, who you truly are in the simplest but most vibrant form and that is light and love. That is where you will find acceptance, forgiveness, compassion, contentment, and peace.
Meditation teaches us how to have a clearer mind and intension to use our attention more effectively. We then become positively aligned with our higher vibrational energy that benefits others and even greater, the universe response.
5 Easy steps to start a meditation practice
Start with 5-10 minutes or 50 to 100 full rounds of breath (inhale and exhales = 1 round) 1-2 times a day.
Find a comfortable place to sit. A space that makes you feel at home. (it doesn’t have to be in your home) it could be outside in nature, in your car, or anywhere else that fits!
close your eyes and bring a soft inner gaze from behind the eyes as if you are watching through a movie projector lens. (you are just observing you are not creating the movie!)
Now, feel your breath. The rise and fall of your chest. Feel in to it! what if feels like to just be alive with the amazing gift of breath.
Give yourself permission to be in this beautiful place that you just created for this small amount of time. Or for as long as you want to, because time is of the essence so stay with what feels amazing to you. When you are ready to dissolve the meditation just simply and very gently open your eyes and just for a brief moment reflect on how you feel. You might just decide you really like it.
For more information on other mindful practices, healing and transformational work I invite you to get in touch.